Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Valcano's, Fishing, Ceviche

People have asked me over and over why do you cruise in Mexico, The answer is so easy. What a beautiful country, beautiful people. Then you throw in the food that changes like we change our socks. I had to make this trip to San Felipe to have my Valcano!! yes a Taco you will never forget when you go to San Felipe you must have a Valcano Taco. You can order it all fish & Sea Food, all meat, or 50/50. It is prepared in a Valcano rock and it is boiling hot and has to set for a while before you can eat the best taco ever. If you look close you see a catus on top and it very good to eat.

On the way over we had pretty good fishing. We caught four Sierria Makeral. So we decided to make Ceviche and we decided to make Shrimp Ceviche. What a great summer dish for lunch. On the way back we caught one Dorado and two Peligans. That took us a while to go back and get the Peligan lose from our lure. One thing I have to tell you, Peligans will stay with the Peligan that has ate the hook. It was hard to tell which one had the hook. Once we got close it was easy.

Our last day in San Felipe we decided to go have a Taco Feast. We decided to go tasting taco's, eat one Taco and one beer and decide which Pelapa had the best taco. It was really close and it came down to the Taco Factory, Malacan Taco's. Best Margaritea was Amigos. Since I was the only one drinking Margaritas it was easy to make that decision.

As we made our rounds around the great town of San Felipe we found the Tank Top I had to have. Since we could not eat or drink another Taco or Beer we bought this Great Tank Top.

"No More Stinking Taco's"

You might have heard lot of stories about the Taco, Cabo likes to say they started the Taco. The real home of the Taco is San Felipe MX. This town has a Shrimp Fest and the best chefs cooking of Shrimp, The compitition is the toughest and not taken lightly. To have the Shrimp Trophy at your Restaurant in San Felipe is a great honor. When I first came to San Filepe a few years back the Light House had won the Shrimp Trophy. The next year they did not even come close to win. The Chef quit his job and moved away. They do take Shrimp very seIf you want to get away for a good fishing trip, best shrimp dishs in Mexico and the little village admosphere this is the place to go. Can beat it!! Ice cold beer, best Margaritas & don't forget the home of the Shrimp and Fish Taco.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kelowna Canada, Taylor & Kendall's Wedding!!!

My bags were packed and my old Dodge Truck and Ace were ready for the 1750 mile trip to Kelowna Canada. I was so excited to go back to Kelowna and see all my very good friends. I was invited to Taylor & Kendall's wedding and I know it will be a great time, what ever the Schaeffer's & Lyttons are planing, I knew this one wedding I would not miss. Yes my waist line will get a little bigger then it is already. David & Cheryl invited me to a get together at there house and I being the nice man I am how could I decline, knowing it would be great!! Pizza was served from Domino's Pizza. Taylor & Kendall worked at Domino's during the summer and I think that is where they both met. Taylor is going to college and Kendall is a school teacher. I bet she is correcting all my mistakes. What makes a get together great at the Lytton house you never know what is going to happen. First thing Gord Schaeffer came with his Accordion he is the best, then he starts singing and what a great time. The second thing Cheryl garb's me to dance. Well I am not the best dancer (about good as I write) she was trying to get people up and dancing and the gentleman I am I had to dance. One thing I have learned from being at the Lytton's for special occasion if you go away hungry, dry from nothing to drink? It is totally your fault.

I have been to a lot of weddings. I think all the bride's look beautiful but Kendall looked so beautiful walking down into the apple orchard with her dad. I think every bride & groom wants to have that certain setting they will never forget and Taylor & Kendall sure picked the best place ever, a Chapel down in the middle of a Apple Orchard. The valley was green with grass and the walk down was a beautiful sun shining day.

The reception was held at Kelowna Golf & Country Club. I had been here a few times before, it is the most beautiful golf coarse you ever seen. The trees are so big and thick you wonder how they can hit a golf ball anywhere. I think I could just climb under one of those big tree's and go take a nap. I seen Kelowna Golf & Country Club back in December of 2008 and I think it was the most beautiful golf coarse I have ever seen. Snow everywhere, maybe because this was my first White Christmas that made it so much more beautiful.

Some how I was up at the front table, setting by the long table where the bride and groom set with there best man and everyone in the wedding party. Everyone started there toast with jest, I got the idea from Taylor's best buddies they were giving him a roast and it was very funny but most of all they really like Taylor and it was all in love and caring. As brothers always feel he is losing a brother, he really is gaining a sister. Spencer gave a great toast with feelings a brother will have. Cheryl being the great mom she is came up and said a few words and made another toast. Then Taylor & Kendall had there first dance. I even got my picture taken with them. The music went into the night. As I set there I was thinking I am leaving to go back to Rocky Point Via a lot of stops but this stop I wish was much longer.

I have to tell you the Schaeffer and Lytton families spoil me. Gord took off work to take me out in Wayne and his brand new boat on that beautiful 90 mile lake and what a great time. What a nice boat. I had decided to stay at my favorite motel the Accent Inn and Wayne Schaeffer said that was not going to happen, so Wayne put me up in his down stairs living room and I know he was glad to see me leave!!! since he is allergic to dog hair and I had Ace along. I can't forget my friend Janice. Janice made reservations at the Minstrel Inn my favorite place to eat. Best Lamb Shanks you ever ate. She bought the tickets for the entertainment for Wayne and I and it was a great evening and lots of fun.

As I left Kelowna and crossing that new long bridge I was thinking, maybe I will be invited back next year for another wedding? Spencer? Wayne? maybe some neighbor I have not met? if Cheryl & David are involved it will be great!! throw in the Scheaffer family I will just have to sneak into as a old lost cousin. Thank you everyone making my trip to Kelowna so much fun, one I will never forget. Then I thought, my Canadian Family just got bigger. I like to think everyone involved in the wedding for making me part of it. I like to think Cheryl & David for letting me share there personal life and Gord & June taking the time for a visit in a very busy time. Wayne, not only did he let me and Ace stay at his house, Wayne bought me a heater to go on my flybridge on my boat to stay warm while I play cribbage. The most important thing I want to say "Taylor & Kendall, I wish you a happy life".


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jimmy Buffett Concert Las Vegas, NV

When I started this four month vacation I thought my favorite singer would be a great finish for the four months of travel. I bought my tickets at least four months before the Concerts and I never been to Las Vegas to see Jimmy Buffett. It was great but my tickets were so high up in the Convention Center at the MGM I was not sure if I would get a nose bleed. I have to say it was great but everything was hurry up and wait. Wait for Taxi, wait in line to get into eat, some places you have to pay to get into. Things have changed in Las Vegas but still fun.

Since it was a sold out concert it was great to look down and see all the crazies but right behind me was people dressed in there crazy outfits that go to all Jimmy Buffett concerts. It was fun, sound was great and I am sorry I did not take more pictures but you get the idea. Just for your information this was my 13th Jimmy Buffett Concert~~ Next Year?? Where will I go??

Now I am back home and working on Grumpy and my Dinghy. In closing I like to Thank everyone that made my vacation a blast. Thank you Taylor and Kendall for inviting me to your wedding and thanks to Wayne, Cheryl, David & can't forget Janice for making my trip so much fun. If I am invited? maybe I can come back next year for another wedding?? maybe??????

Thursday, November 18, 2010

OMAHA NE.Old Market

I think everyone has seen the movie "Up In The Air" Omaha NE. and I had to go see a good friend of mine in Omaha. I have heard Naomi telling me how great it is. How relaxing, food and wine and the people were the best. I have to tell you she was right. I left feeling like I was a part of Old Town.

Old Market is a great town and I wrote a Poem about Old Market and I hope you like it.

Howard & Old Market

As I walk the streets of Old Market, you can see the old weather torn building, time

has bought out the character of the good times, the bad times are only a memory but the good times still roll on at Howard and Old Market.

The streets of Old Market are made of brick, the brick that were laid many years ago in the hussle & bussle of the growth and success of the city. Market never lost its heart of the town, great people, great food and for sure the best wine money can buy. Walking the

streets of brick, I see everyone is just relaxing and enjoying life, people walking there dogs and

stopping to say good morning as they travel the streets of Howrd & Old Market.

Walking the streets of of Old Market you will see people setting in patio's drinking a glass of wine and sharing cheese and meats from the deli, enjoying the conversation with the ladies they are with. The sun is bright and the air is fresh and the sound of horse pulling the cart

slowly past my favorite Bistro on Howard & Old Market.

As I look into the heavens the sky is so blue, so quiet and calm. In my dreams I walk hand and hand with the lady of my dreams. she walks me down by the river and then

on to the green rolling hills with the paths that go to no where. It seems all the roads lead to

Howard and Old Market, as we walk hand and hand there is smile on her face, I can see in her eyes she has arrived back home, people talking and sharing a glass of wine on Howard & Old Market.

Old Market is a live with all kind of business but no one is in a hurry, you find the owners setting in there favorite chair on the streets of Old Market waiting to help you or just visit with the people passing by. They know your special and someone is special is worth talking to on the streets of Howard and Old Market.

As I set drinking my favorite glass of wine, I know I don't want to leave, I just want to

set in my favorite place and enjoy one more glass of wine. Seems to me everyone knows everyone, smiles, great conversation and sharing very good wine.The conversation are the topic of the day and everyone that walks by on the brick streets

are greeted and invited for a great glass of wine on Howard & Old Market.

As I set at my favorite Bistro on Howard & Old Market I am sad that my time has gone.

I walk through La Buvette looking at the old bar, the walls have aged just like the people

setting and enjoying there afternoon glass of wine, ageing with the charactor, as all the people I met on Howard & Old Market.

Sad but happy I set at the airport and thinking of Old Market and the people that made my life a blessing. I wonder if they are setting on the patio having a glass of wine and talking about me, the topic of the day, eating there cheese, drinking there favorite wine. As I was walking to my gate I was thinking of those old walls, those every old creaky floors if they could talk what would they be saying? Everyone is friendly and eveyone has a smile on there face but you will come back to share another story and a glass of wine at the your favorite place on Howard & Old Market.

Albuquerque New Mexico Balloon Fest

What a nice drive to Albuquerque, left Rocky Point and went to Phoenix and then on to Grand Canyon and Flagstaff AZ. When you get up on I-40 and the trip is fast and the Red Hills where I could see Indians running the mountains and chasing deer and buffalo. You knew you were in Indian Country.

I arrived in Alburquque and I had a room at Hard Rock Motel & Casino. It seems the Balloon Fest in not a small turn out any more. The first day had 79,000 people show up.

I had a friend Annette Dwyer and she works at my favorite Electronics store in San Diego and she came over and she knew people that were in the Balloon Fest and we got to get pictures up close and personal. Also we learned a lot about the Balloon Fest.

Linda Brownell was suppost to come to the Balloon Fest and I was going to meet her there but she went to the Nascar Races the weekend before the Balloon Fest and she got Bite? or Stuck with something at the races and what ever it was it was one nasty infection. She had to go on Antibotics and then she got contagious and had to keep a special cream or something to keep it from spreading. Since I had a room and had not been there since about 1987 I went and I am glad I did. Sorry I missed Linda but it was fun. Just for your imformation it cost $350.00 for a ride for one. You want be seeing any pictures from the balloons.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada

All roads lead to Lake Tahoe, what nice weather and what beauty to drive from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe. When I arrived I stayed in the Peppermill Motel and it was great. My good friends Rod & Patty Mahaffey live in Lake Tahoe. I meet them about five years ago in La Paz Mexico in the Costa Baja Marina. We became great friends and I was so excited to see them again. There sail boat is still in Puerto Escondido just waiting for them to come back and go cruising again. Seems Murrphy's Law caught up with them. Problems after Problem forced them to come back and go back to work. Well if you call working in Paradise with a perfect view of the Lake Tahoe with beautiful sunsets every day is work?. My short five days went so fast. I think we are known for our parties that go into the night. I have to tell you this one story. We were in Puerto Esconddo and we had a birthday party for Patty and we had it on my boat. It seemed we had more people and Rod and Pat thought they were friends of mine and I was saying to myself Rod and Patty sure have lot of friends wanting to celebrate her birthday. It turned out none of us knew them, just came for the party. By the end of the party we knew them well? maybe not . Thanks PARDS!!!! for a great time.