Hello everyone this is my first attempt to write my new blog. I am leaving to go South in the Sea Of Cortez April 10Th. I hope to send you funny stories and I hope some pictures that may have you say Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! or what in the hell~????? plus funny things I might see along the way.
First, my Blog name. I hope know one is offended? I know some of you will smile and say well that is Barry's Blog. My Step-Son Brad Miller wanted me to open a Bar/Cafe in San Felipe, Mexico. I really thought about it but the Swine Flu had scared most of the American away. Then the papers were full of killings and Bandito's in TJ. So poor San Felipe was almost a ghost town. We even had the perfect name, I even called my good Pards in Lake Tahoe and said Rod, Pat I think we should open a Palapa and have a place to drink our Ice cold beer and I have the perfect name. "Titties & Beer" well that became the name and we would refer to the bar as Titties and Beer. Cindy came to San Felipe to spend a month with me and she loved this one place that had the best Seven Sea Soup, she heard Brad & me talking about our bar and I guess the name stuck with her also. She loved the name and when I went to Kelowna Canada for Christmas/Birthday/New Years she gave me my T-Shirt, yes "Titties and Beer" so that is how the name "Titties & Beer and lots of fun" became my blog. I hope you all enjoy.