Hey Matey's!!! This old Cap'n of the good ship "Grumpy" run his ship with a iron hand. Maybe a lot different from those normal landlubers. Me matey, Ace or to all that know him Acehole, we live our lives as a single Cap'n & his Scurvy Dog. Ye old Salty Cap'n has few rules and the one when you come aboard is "The Cap'n is always right". The rule that will get you Keel Hauled or Cat a' nine tails and if you insist to not obey the Cap'n # 1. rule, Ye Cap'n will bring out the Hempen Halter. There are a few minor rules that will get you a Clap of Thunder or the Grog of the Cap'n preference. If you don't eat the Cap'n Jerk Chicken, Pork, Beef and sneak food from the Galley you could be keel hulled or worse, Avast!!! me Bucko's ye may be Black Spotted. Wench's, crew and Officers have to heed the # 1. Rule.
Most Cap'n of the Sea Of Cortez has there Wench's along. Some Cap'n's are lillylivered blokes. We have only one rule on "Grumpy" that is what ever the Cap'n says is law. If you want to be Keel huuled, walk the plank or get the Cat Of Nine Tails never ever, leave the toilet seat down!!! second time you will be set a drift.
Signed: Cap'n Long John, Peg Leg, Peckerwood Johnson